FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

django -- multiple vulnerabilities

Affected packages
1.4 <= py26-django < 1.4.1
1.3 <= py26-django < 1.3.2
1.4 <= py27-django < 1.4.1
1.3 <= py27-django < 1.3.2
py26-django-devel < 20120731,1
py27-django-devel < 20120731,1


VuXML ID f01292a0-db3c-11e1-a84b-00e0814cab4e
Discovery 2012-07-30
Entry 2012-07-31
Modified 2014-04-30

The Django project reports:

Today the Django team is issuing multiple releases -- Django 1.3.2 and Django 1.4.1 -- to remedy security issues reported to us:

All users are encouraged to upgrade Django immediately.


CVE Name CVE-2012-3442
CVE Name CVE-2012-3443
CVE Name CVE-2012-3444